Maldives informations
Maldives informations
Map of Maldives
Weather Forcast Visa, Master Card, American Express and JCB credit cards accepted

International Organizations

Vermillion Transport

Established in 1992, Vermillion International Pvt Ltd, is a market-leading and full-service travel company. Our services have, since we commenced operations, sustained an enviable reputation from both long-term international partners, as well as with returning clients. With almost 18 years of providing service excellence within the Maldivian tourism industry, Vermillion maintains its leading position through an experienced, energetic and competent staff - directly supervised by the directors of the company.

Vermillion is proud to be an official & Exclusive Public Transport Service provider in the Maldives. The Government of Maldives awarded Vermillion, to develop & operate public transport service for 50 years. For more information & details of our Transport Services pleaese visit

Grand Openning with President Mohamed Nasheed

  Grand Openning with President Mohamed Nasheed

President of the Maldives

President of the Maldives

Vermillion CEO

  Vermillion CEO

Grand Openning with the President

Grand Openning with the President

Grand Openning with the President

  Grand Openning with the President

Vermillion Ferry 320

Vermillion Ferry 320

Vermillion Ferry 501

Vermillion Ferry 501

Vermillion Ferry 504

Vermillion Ferry 504

Vermillion Ferry 727

Vermillion Ferry 727

Ferry Seats

Ferry Seats

Maldives resorts hotels

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